
Stretch Cue

Dot wears clothes.
I have just discovered that I can watch simulcasts of my favorite news crew ever, News Channel 10 of Providence. My friends Gary Ley, Patrice "Holly" Wood, Gene Valecenti, R.J. Heim, Mario Hilario, Alison Bologna, Brian Crandall, Frank Coletta, Jim Tericani, Chef Terranova's "Cookin' Wit Class" and more are now at my fingertips once again. Currently, Gary Ley is explaining how air heats up with an almost indecipherable compression box analogy. And he is now giggling and talking about the floor director giving him a stretch cue. He is now explaining that a stretch cue means talk longer. Wow. I forgot how funny this is.

I have a red nose, after spending a beautiful Saturday and Sunday outdoors. Going fishing with a biologist is fun.

How do I know when leaving work is ok?

I am wearing my mother's old powder blue UltraSuede dress today. Apparently, I ought to be in line for the Audrey Hepburn look-alike auditions, as was told to me by a stranger leaning out a car window this morning. I can handle that.

1 comment:

elisabeth said...

Yeah. My friend Paul McCarthy said R.J. once showed up to a party at his house on Smith Hill. Very strange.