
Two brief quotations from yesterday

E: Sometimes I mix things up.
A: Sometimes I mix things up, too. Sometimes, I forget that rain is not yellow.

E: I need some fresh air.
J: Should we open the windows?
P: No, there's no fresh air outside.

We celebrated a lovely 60th birthday for my mother, including lattes at the Mill, a stroll around the farmer's market, making lunch at my house, then going on a walk that mysteriously ended up at Bella, where we had massages, facials, wine and cheese (homemade by Krista Dittman, no less), a totally packed screening of The Real Dirt on Farmer John, which you should go see this week at the Ross, a reception with local food thereafter, and then a gathering at the farm with snacks, sangria, and mojitos that had a lovely staging of arrivals of guests, making me stay much longer than anticipated.

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